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The Complete PC Refresh Solution:
Microsoft Autopilot, Intune, OneDrive, & PCmover Enterprise

Any organization that purchases new PCs for its employees each year will know there is a critical step
your IT Team must perform as part of a PC refresh: migrating applications, settings, data and data files,
user profiles, and more from the old PC to the new PC.

Completing the PC deployment process

The process of deploying new PCs includes several steps. After procurement and the decisions about
hardware and software are made, the use of third-party software is highly beneficial. For example,
Microsoft now offers tools like Autopilot, Intune, and OneDrive for Business to ease the PC-deployment
process in several ways. And as the developers of the premier endpoint migration software on the
market, we’re often asked how Laplink’s PCmover Enterprise can add value to the process.

To put it simply, while Microsoft offers some very valuable tools for several distinct parts of the PC
migration process, even when employing all of Microsoft’s current offerings combined, not all essential
PC migration processes are covered.

Stages of PC deployment

Deploment of
corporate images


Transfer of
personality of the old
PC to the new PC (data, applications,
& settings)


Post deployment
PC management

Microsoft Intune
Laplink Everywhere

Recycle old PC


Protect the productivity of existing

For example, deployment of new PCs focuses solely
on the readiness of new PCs for new employees,
such as installing a Windows operating system,
Microsoft Office, and security tools. However, it
leaves the migration of any existing applications,
settings, user profiles an existing employee might
need to a self-service, manual migration experience.

Lost data: The dark side of PC migrations

Additionally, Microsoft’s promotion of
OneDrive as the right tool for PC migrations leaves
customers with a false sense of security that
OneDrive is all employees need to access all their
files and data from anywhere. However, OneDrive
doesn’t account for any data that might be stored
locally on an individual’s PC.
If important files aren’t stored properly in OneDrive,
the consequences could be disastrous.

Save IT time and resources with automation

Furthermore, neither Autopilot nor OneDrive or
Intune provide sufficient automation for the transfer
of applications, settings, data, or user profiles. While
OneDrive and many other cloud storage options are
great for data backup, they’re not the right tool to
automatically scan old PCs for all data and selectively
move it to a new PC. In fact, we would argue that
none of these tools move all the elements that
enterprises need to make a new PC fully “ready for
business,” to quote Microsoft’s claim.

Smart enterprises add PCmover Enterprise
to their migration checklist

Transfer between PCs
between PCs

Transfer all of your files, settings, and applications to a new PC using a network or a Laplink USB cable.

File based Transfer
File based

Transfer all of your files,
settings, and applications to a
new PC by creating a transfer
file stored on external media.

Image and drive assistant
Image and
drive assistant

Transfer all of your files,
settings, and applications from
an old PC’s physical hard drive
or image.

Profile migrator

Transfer applications, files, and
settings between user profiles
on the same PC.

For the most complete PC migration, we recommend adding Laplink’s PCmover Enterprise to the roster.
PCmover Enterprise complements a Microsoft-centric environment and does not compete with
Microsoft products. Laplink’s PCmover Enterprise migrates all those things and more — automatically.

With PCmover Enterprise, your organization can reduce the time it takes to manually perform PC refresh
projects as well as the number of IT team members it takes to perform migrations, all while saving
budget, even if you’re already using imaging tools, Windows Autopilot, Microsoft Intune, or Microsoft

Laplink also offers additional software products that might be more cost efficient. For example, Laplink
Everywhere is a comprehensive alternative to Microsoft Intune, and additional features such as Laplink
SafeErase are built to securely erase old PCs before they are provided for further use.


PCmover Enterprise adds these important
features to your deployment process.

Features PCmover
Microsoft AutoPilot
Transfers selected applications check      
Transfers user profiles check   check1 check
Transfers application settings check      
Transfers user data check check 2 check check
Streaming "live" transfer check      
Non-network transfer options check Internet Only Internet Only Internet Only
Asynchronous export/import transfer check check check check
Data filter options check check3 check check
GUI interface, no coding required check check check check
Interactive transfer support check      
Policy-defined transfer support check      
P2V, V2P, V2V, support check      
Migration from offline Windows disk or image check      
Migration alerts and reports check      
Support available check      
Onboarding and training available check      
Custom branding available check      
Helps with imaging check     check

1. ESR (Enterprise State Roaming): Selected Windows settings only. Requires an AAD-registered device.

2. Manually specified locations/extensions

3. XML coding required

  • PCmover Enterprise is hardware and operating system-independent
  • Transfer from any OEM to any OEM (for example, from HP to Dell, from Lenovo to HP, etc.)
  • Works above the OS layer and therefore can move from and to any version of Windows, as long as
    the target version is equal to or greater than the version on the source PC, while PC images must be
    updated to support new versions of Windows.
  • Selectively choose applications, settings, and data (by policy or GUI)
  • Automates the entire transfer process
  • Can migrate an AD user profile to a Azure AD user profile
  • Uses policies to create rules for workflow and automation
  • Supports remote migrations
  • Supports direct, indirect, cable, wireless, and cloud-based transfers

The complete PC migration solution:
Microsoft Autopilot, Intune, OneDrive,
& Laplink PCmover Enterprise

In comparison with OneDrive for Business
(ODFB), PCmover offers a complete set of
features that — even when combined with other
Microsoft tools — provide a complete migration
experience. OneDrive is great for user back-up
but is sub-optimal for finding all the data,
transferring the data to flexible rules, and
eliminating the need for hunting down lost data.

Need a proven large scale migration solution?

Try it for FREE!

But don't just take our word for it. Fill out the form and download a free, full copy of PCmover Enterprise to see it in action. Or, schedule a free live demo with a migration specialist.